Weekly Preschool Classes

The program is designed for those parents looking for a fun and non-competitive soccer focused extracurricular activity to add to their little ones schedule during the week.

The foundation of this program is built upon the age appropriate and time tested fearless soccer fun curriculum that places our little soccer stars in their own imagined movie while maximizing ball touches and focusing on deceptive dribbling and ball striking technique.

Our clinics are delivered in an environment designed to ensure that kids not only have fun, but also learn all kinds of skills along the way.

Because classes are held at your child’s school, your little one must be enrolled at one of our partner schools to participate.

To register please click the link below, choose the name of the school your child attends and submit the form as completely as possible. Upon submission you will receive confirmation via e-mail and your child will join in on the soccer fun during the next scheduled class!

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